Build a Blog Workshop with Antionette Blake
November 10, 2021 | 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Start a Blog today so that you will always have a reliable way to reach your audience in real time.
Our Speaker Antionette Blake (Delaware DIVA of Podcasting)!
Antionette Blake, is more commonly known and widely recognized as the award
winning “Delaware Blogger” is also a podcast host, vlogger, author, social media
strategist, educator/coach and professional speaker.
Antionette started teaching
blogging classes at local libraries in and around the state of Delaware in 2013, then
began coaching and teaching others how to podcast in 2019. Antionette is the content
creator of the DelBlogger blog and hosts 2 podcasts: Out & About with Antionette and
The Delaware Blogger Podcast.
Antionette is an alum of Delaware State (College) University, Class of 1983, BS
Elementary Education. A native New Yorker who was employed in Corporate America
for 32 years, married for 31 years, and is the mother of 2 adult sons.
As the owner of ABlake Enterprises, Social Media Marketing and Consulting she works
with industry leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs assisting them with
strategies to help them broaden their brand and expand their exposure online.
Antionette creates and curates content for their targeted audience and works to ensure
that they are engaging on the correct platform with consistency and creativity.
As a professional speaker she recently gave the Keynote at the “Grow As We Go”
Power Brunch in Washington, DC; was a featured Breakout Speaker at the 2019
BloggerWeek UnConference in Washington, DC, presented the “Power of Podcasting”
and has conducted numerous social media marketing workshops and seminars to
various groups and organizations in the TriState.
To learn more about Antionette, head over to https://linktr.ee/delblogger

Details | Venue |
Date: November 10 | Helping One More Entrepreneur |
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm |
108 Patriot Drive, Suite A Middletown, DE 19709 |
Event Type: Hybrid |
Phone: 302.261.3530 |
Join In w/ Zoom: | Join Now |