Cyber Security 2.0
October 28, 2021 | 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
If your cyber security was breached what would you do?
Jon will teach you how to protect yourself and business with Cyber Security.
Jon will teach you how to protect yourself and business with Cyber Security.
In 2020, cyber attacks made over $6 Trillion for criminals globally. These are not your garden variety, hoodie wearing, basement dwelling hackers. This is 21st century organized crime and they’re coming for your data…and they’re winning. On average, cyber-criminals are inside a company’s networks for 146 days before being detected
Join Jonathan Arena, CISSP, ITIL, CSM discuss:
– Who these cyber criminals are
– Who their current targets are
– What are their motivations
– How your business can be vulnerable to cyber crooks
– The emerging data privacy and regulatory compliance laws coming into existence to help protect consumer’s data
– The 5 most impactful actions to minimize your small business’ risk of becoming a casualty of cyber crime
– Who these cyber criminals are
– Who their current targets are
– What are their motivations
– How your business can be vulnerable to cyber crooks
– The emerging data privacy and regulatory compliance laws coming into existence to help protect consumer’s data
– The 5 most impactful actions to minimize your small business’ risk of becoming a casualty of cyber crime
– How to enhance your company brand by demonstrating best practices to reduce your risk of a cyber attack.
White Clay Technology’s goal is to reduce your risk of becoming a casualty of a cyber attack. There will be an opportunity to discuss any questions you might have after the presentation so please come with questions!
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Jonathan Arena, CISSP, ITIL, CSM is a recognized technology, cyber security & disaster recovery expert. He is the President & Founder of White Clay Technology & RealTechPros as well as the author of “Cyber Security Essentials for Small Businesses”. Jonathan is also a Technology, Cyber Security & Data Privacy professor at Wilmington University in Delaware. His 25-year career in technology services covers serving global enterprises and small businesses alike. Jonathan has always seen himself as a problem solver, but the problems he is solving today have extended far beyond technology, and into cyber security and risk management, business strategy and process improvement. Jonathan has served on multiple academic boards including the cyber security boards for the University of Delaware, Rutgers University, and Ithaca College, as well as the Wilmington University Technology Course Advisory Board.
Jonathan was named a “Delaware Achiever & Innovator Under 40” by the Delaware Business Times.