Navigating the Health Care System while still advocating for your child with Autism.
December 9, 2021 | 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
So you have been told your child has challenges… What’s next?
Autism is a biological and neurological spectral disorder that typically appears during the first three years of life. It affects brain function and is a life long disability resulting in behaviors that affect both verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Symptoms include certain ‘trait’ behaviors and affected social development. This complex developmental disability is four times more common in boys than girls and occurs in 1 in 95 children born today.
Social, ethnic and racial factors have been shown as non-factors to the cause of this disorder. Autism is characterized by its early onset. Typical behaviors show up before the age of 36 months, but the symptoms are often masked during the first two years of life by developmental milestones. Autism is a spectral disorder that has a wide range of severity from person to person. Simply put, people afflicted with autism do not process what they see, hear and sense in a typical manner.
Experienced practitioners can usually detect autism in children by age 2, and sometimes by 18 months or younger. In young children, autism usually reveals itself in the form of delayed development in areas such as communication, play and social interaction.
While autism is a lifelong condition presenting a range of challenges, no outcome is a foregone conclusion. Every individual with autism experiences life uniquely, with different symptoms at different levels of severity. When addressed early in life, while the mind is still developing and malleable, symptoms or challenging behaviors can be managed more effectively to improve outcomes over the course of the child’s life.
What should you do after your intuition guides you to medical help?
What are the next steps? How do I advocate for my child?
Join us as we walk you through the many steps to advocate for your child/ren that are under the age of 18.
This class will help you break through your comfort zones that keep you feeling stuck!
This course will assist you in strengthening your abilities so you can advocate for your autistic child through a mindset of growth and love. As a parent of a special needs child Jeanie is the her son’s voice! She continues to advocate to allow him the peace of mind to do his daily developmental tasks. He will not be burdened by the thoughts of his medical or developmental needs.
Jeanie will guide you through the tasks and different paths to take to begin to advocate for your child. She can navigate through the medical or physical realm of appointments, aba therapies, schooling, and so much more. If you have a child that is preparing to or is diagnosed Autistic Spectrum Disorder than you don’t want to miss the opportunity to educate yourself or spouse on advocating for your child.

Details | Venue |
Date: December 9 | Helping One More Entrepreneur |
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm |
108 Patriot Drive, Suite A Middletown, DE 19709 |
Event Type: Hybrid |
Phone: 302.261.3530 |
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